If it is produced by a regular manufacturer of quality plasticine, it is generally non-toxic and harmless, and it will not be harmful for children to play frequently. baby toys oem chinese factory However, some fake plasticine may be toxic and not healthy and safe for children. When purchasing, pay attention to screening. baby toys oem chinese factory
Plasticine of qualified product quality is usually non-toxic, and generally will not cause harm to children if it is not eaten. Hand Eye Coordination toys Generally speaking, plasticine of qualified product quality is formed by mixing flour and spices. It is a viscous polymer compound. It does not contain toxic ingredients and will not be absorbed by The value of IP of toys? body. It is usually not harmful to children if it is not eaten. Usually play with plasticine through skin contact, no adverse effects on the body. kids games toys suppliers
However, plasticine products with poor product quality may be mixed with certain chemicals that are harmful to the body, which are not safe for children, so you must pay attention to product quality when purchasing. kids games toys suppliers In addition, plasticine may carry bacteria over a long period of time. After playing, you must wash your hands in time to prevent bacteria from entering your mouth and cause gastrointestinal infections.toys doll source of goods